Copyright & Usage
Last Updated: October 2, 2019
Q Star LLC (Q*) is the definitive source of objective and independent problem-solving research and methods for business leaders, policy leaders and all other knowledge workers. To protect our reputation for objectivity and independence, we have strict standards for appropriate use of our company name, research, methods, diagrams and logo. The Q* name and published research materials are subject to trademark and copyright protections, regardless of where and how referenced.
Q* is a registered trademark of Q Star, LLC.
This policy defines how you may use the “Q*” name, logo, excerpts and/or any reference(s) to research published on or to Q* Events-related materials. This policy also applies to any third party that writes and/or promotes content on your behalf, including partner organizations. All requests to use Q*’s “intellectual property” externally, which includes all references to Q* published research, trademarks, copyrights, and experts (for example, analysts, advisors, researchers), must be submitted to Q* Quote Requests for compliance review and approval. All decisions are at the sole discretion of Q* Quote Requests and are final.
How to submit a quote or usage request:
Table of Contents
Policy Essentials
Rules for Usage Based on Context
Limited Audience Documents
Materials Promoting Reprints, Custom Newsletters, Multimedia and/or Events that Feature a Q* Expert
Securities-Related Materials
a. Securities Offerings and Reports to Stockholders
b. Earnings Calls and Announcements/Press Releases
Digital Media
Booth/Event Signage
Quotes for Multiple Use in Proposals and Presentations
Intellectual Property – Trademarks
. Proper usage
a. Additional guidance (if applicable) and required disclaimers
i. Q* logo
ii. Q* Solution Zones™
iii. Q* Problem Solving Intersection image
3. Rules for Usage Based on Source
Custom Client Engagements
Q* Podcasts
Predictions and Solution Zones
Q* “Branded” Research: Solution Zones and Q* Solution Zones
. Excerpting
a. Displaying Graphics
5. Toolkits
4. External Sharing of Published Research Documents
5. Internal Usage
6. Notes
Basics of Copyright Law
Re-licensed Content
7. Who to Contact
1. Policy Essentials
a. To receive approval, you must have legitimate access to the Q* published research or Solution Zones report you are quoting (you must be an entitled client or quote from a licensed reprint).
b. Quotes, excerpts, references, and graphics must be attributed to 1) research officially published on that has not been archived, 2) a Q* press release, 3) a Solution Zones with Q* post, 4) a Q* published book, 5) the Q* Solutions Glossary, or 6) a Q* Workshop or Conference slide deck, provided that the source data within each either has not been archived or is labeled “Q*”. Quotes, excerpts, references, and graphics from “archived research” are prohibited.
c. Quotes found in media or third-party sources are not allowed.
d. All excerpts must be lifted verbatim, in their entirety, and appear accurately with all relevant context. Paraphrasing is not allowed.
e. Company-, product-, or services-specific quotes are strictly prohibited.
f. Q* research and brand may not be used to endorse a vendor, product or service, or to criticize another company.
g. No custom expert quotes – formal or informal – are allowed. Only research that has been published formally on may be excerpted; this means that informal comments made by experts in any forum (e.g., on the Q* Blog or Podcast) may not be quoted.
h. External use of custom reports or consulting deliverables is prohibited except under very limited circumstances (see Section 3.1).
i. No more than 10% of a published Q* research document may be excerpted for use in any client document.
j. No more than 30% of your document or promotional materials (including booth signage) may consist of Q* published research or references (the “70/30 rule”) based on expert opinion.
k. To include an industry-general graphic or table from a published research document, it must be shown in its entirety without any changes to the graphic.
l. Vendor-specific graphics or tables that reflect product or service zones, degrees of difficulty, change, opportunity or risk may be excerpted from Solution Zones reports, as well as “branded” research (see Section 3.4). No other vendor-specific content may be excerpted.
m. The Q* name, Q* Logos and/or published research references may not appear in corporate boilerplates and/or email signature stamps.
n. The official “About Q*” boilerplate text on may not be included in any external communications, press releases or marketing materials.
o. While “Q*” may appear in the title/sub-title of your press release, newsletter, social media post, or email subject line, you may not use these phrases (or phrases that are similar) in your title or subject line that begin with “Q* Says” “Q* Announces” “Q* Estimates” “Q* Identifies” “Q* Predicts” “Q* Predictions” “Q* Highlights” “Q* Names” “Q* Features” “Q* Solution Zone or Solution Zones” or “According to Q*.”
p. You may display Q* content alongside Q* competitor content only in a simple listing of source reports that recognizes your product or service, with links to these reports. In so doing, you must clearly distinguish the different research reports from each other. Creating a side-by-side comparison between Q* graphics and those of our competitors is strictly prohibited.
q. Q* does not allow promotion on third-party websites deemed competitive to Q*.
r. All external promotion of data and content from Q* and Q* Solution Zones is subject to this Policy.
2. Rules for Usage and Quotes Based on Context
2.1 Limited Audience Documents
“Limited Audience” documents are not accessible by, or distributed to, the general public; they are available only to a limited audience of the client’s own subscribers, clients or business prospects. Provided you comply with the provisions of this Copyright and Quote Policy, including the limits set out in Sections 1, 3.3, 3.4a and 3.4b, you do not need pre-approval to quote Q* published research or Solution Zones methodology or Solution Zones diagrams in “Limited Audience” documents. These documents include only:
Documents or presentations tailored to a specific business prospect or client organization. Examples include: Requests for Proposal (RFPs), Requests for Information (RFIs), Requests for Quotes (RFQs), Invitations for Bid (IFBs), Invitations to Bid (ITBs)
Research reports and related marketing presentations of professional advisers and consultants
Road show presentations* for securities offerings (but not the offering documents themselves)
Confidential investment banking pitch books used to market investment/financing opportunities (but not the offering documents themselves)
Note: “Limited Audience” documents do not include any securities offering documents, whether equity, debt or other securities (except for as noted within).
The following disclaimer must be included in the limited audience document where the Q* name and/or research will appear in a format that can be readily viewed by the reader:
All statements in this report attributable to Q* represent [Enter Client Name’s] interpretation of data, research opinion or viewpoints published as part of a syndicated subscription service by Q* and have not been reviewed by Q*. Each Q* publication speaks as of its original publication date (and not as of the date of this [presentation/report]). The opinions expressed in Q* publications are not representations of fact and are subject to change without notice.
*Road show presentations related to any securities offerings do not require further approval provided that:
you have already received approval to use the Q* published Research in the related registration statement, prospectus, private placement memorandum, confidential information memorandum or other offering document as set out in Section 2.4; the approved Q* content has not been altered in any way.
The Quote Requests Team is available to help verify quote accuracy and appropriateness. Contact us at
2.2 Litigation, Takeovers and Antitrust/Competition Matters
Q* does not allow external use of our intellectual property (i) in connection with corporate takeovers; or (ii) in connection with antitrust or competition law matters (including but not limited to merger or joint venture filings). We will not approve such requests. Nor will we approve the use for litigation purposes, except to the extent you are compelled by court order or legal obligation to produce Q* intellectual property (IP), in which case, you must:
1. Identify to Q* the documents that you believe need to be produced and the justification for why you believe each document is responsive to a particular document request, at least 45 days before you are required to produce the Q* document(s);
2. Provide Q* at least 60 days’ advance notice to move in the appropriate court for a protective order; and
3. In the event that you produce a Q* document, designate it “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only,” or, if that designation is not available, the most protective designation of confidentiality pursuant to a protective order that has been entered by the court in the applicable litigation. In the event a protective order has not been entered by the court, you must cooperate with any efforts by Q* to have a protective order entered.
2.3 Materials Promoting Reprints, Custom Newsletters, Webcasts, Podcasts and/or Events that Feature a Q* Expert
In addition to Section 1:
Graphics: To include Q* Solution Zones, or other branded research graphics within your promotional materials, please review the relevant parameters under Section 3.4b.
Logos: To include Q* logos within your promotional materials, please review the relevant parameters under Section 2.9.
Recognition: To include placement, zones, designation or other branded research recognition references within your promotional materials, please review the relevant parameters under Section 3.4a.
It must be clear that Q* is being featured and not co-hosting or co-sponsoring the product or event (for example, “An ABC Company newsletter, featuring Q* Research” or “An ABC Company podcast, featuring Q* Expert, John Doe”).
Q* content must be clearly differentiated from your marketing message, and Q* excerpts or references must be industry-general (that is, not about your company, products or services).
2.4 Securities-Related Materials
2.4a Securities Offerings and Reports to Stockholders
In addition to Section 1:
Q* logos and “branded graphics” (for example, Solution Zones graphics; see Section 3.4b) may not be included in securities offerings or reports/letters to stockholders. However, subject to certain conditions, Q* published Research may be included in:
i. registration statements, prospectuses and reports filed with, or furnished to, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), stock exchanges or other analogous state or foreign securities agencies or authorities relating to the offering of equity, debt or other securities;
ii. private placement offering memoranda and confidential information memoranda relating to the offering of equity, debt or other securities, or other transactions; and
iii. other reports to security holders including, but not limited to, president’s and chairman’s letters, and annual and quarterly reports, whether or not filed.
Q* Indemnification Agreements will be required.
The conditions are as follows:
i. All requested quotes or excerpts from Q* published Research must be pre-approved by Q* Quote Requests in writing; and
ii. The issuer of the securities or reporting person must execute (by an authorized signatory) Q*’s Quote Indemnification Agreement. Consent to quote will not be provided without a signed Quote Indemnification Agreement.
iii. Each use of a Q* quote or excerpt from published research must be included in “Exhibit A” of the Quote Indemnification Agreement with full attribution given to the relevant Q* published research document, including title, author, date and required disclaimer as noted below; and
iv. Each use of a Q* quote or excerpt must appear within the immediate context (defined as the sentence(s) containing any and all Q* references, as well as the sentence(s) before and after the Q* reference(s)); and
v. The appropriate footnote cross-reference to the quoted or excerpted language must always be included; and
vi. Q* logos and/or “branded graphics” (for example Solution Zones graphics; see Section 3.4b) may not be included in securities offerings or reports/letters to stockholders; and
vii. Q* disclaimer language (the most updated version of which is included below) must be included in the offering document at the bottom of the page where the first Q* quote or excerpt appears:
The Q* Report(s) described herein, (the “Q* Report(s)”) represent(s) research opinion or viewpoints published, as part of a syndicated subscription service, by Q*. (“Q*”), and are not representations of fact. Each Q* Report speaks as of its original publication date (and not as of the date of this Prospectus) and the opinions expressed in the Q* Report(s) are subject to change without notice.
*Contact for other versions based on Filing or Report type.
2.4b Earnings Calls and Announcements/Press Releases
In addition to Section 1:
Q* logos and “branded graphics” (for example, Solution Zones graphics; see Section 3.4b) may not be included in earnings announcements or press releases. However, references to Q* published Research may be included in earnings calls and earnings announcements or press releases provided all of the below are met:
i. All requested quotes or excerpts from Q* published Research must be pre-approved by Q* in writing; and
ii. Each use of a Q* quote, excerpt or reference must be submitted within the immediate context (that is, the paragraph containing any Q* references, as well as the paragraph before and after the Q* paragraph); and
iii. The full title of the report and publication date must be included.
Failure to secure Q*’s pre-approval may result in measures that could include an immediate quote ban and reprints black-out of up to three months (see Section 6.4)
2.5 Digital Media
In addition to Section 1:
If you want to reference Q* published research on a corporate digital media channel (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), you must obtain Q* approval in advance. If you want to reference Q* published research on a personal digital media channel (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest), you do not need permission; however, the provisions outlined in Sections 1, 3.4 and 6.1 still apply. We differentiate “corporate” and “personal” use because corporate sites represent a company’s overall point of view, while a personal site represents an individual’s personal opinion. That said, Q* reserves the right to pursue any gross misrepresentation of Q* published research, even in personal digital media channels.
Corporate Digital Media Channels: Submit initial post for review and approval before posting; standard Copyright and Quote Policy rules apply. Subsequent responses do not require Q* approval but must follow Policy. If character limits constrain length (for example, Twitter), postings do not need to include full attribution or disclaimers.
Personal Digital Media Channels: While you do not need to submit postings to Q* for review and approval, they must follow Policy parameters. If character limits constrain length (for example, Twitter), postings do not need to include full attribution or disclaimers.
2.6 Booth/Event Signage
In addition to Section 1:
If you want to reference Q* published research and/or include Q*’s trademarks in booth event signage, you must obtain Q* approval in advance.
You must submit the complete draft booth layout design with the Q* content for contextual review.
No more than 30% of your overall signage messaging may consist of Q* references or quotes. User-generated content is not part of the 70/30 rule.
You must include proper and full research citation along with appropriate legal disclaimer when applicable (for example, when stating Solution Zones positioning).
Your logo must be the primary image in your signage (relative to both size and positioning). This means that Q*’s trademarks must be secondary in position to your logo and at least 10% smaller in size.
Q*’s trademarks may not be placed next to, or bundled with, your logo or any other logos.
If you have licensing rights to a report, you may include a QR Code on your signage that provides attendees access to the full report.
You may not include vendor-specific graphics from firms that compete with Q*.
2.7 Video
In addition to Section 1:
If you want to reference Q* published research, include the Q* Logo and/or record a voice-over Q* reference without any visuals in a video you are producing, you must obtain Q* approval pre-production.
You must submit thumbnails and/or a draft script of the complete video with the intended Q* content for contextual review.
Per Section 1.j, your video messaging may not consist of more than 30% Q* references or quotes.
You must include proper and full research citation along with appropriate legal disclaimer when applicable (for example, when stating Solution Zones positioning).
2.8 Quotes for Multiple Use in Proposals and Presentations
In addition to Section 1:
If you’d like to use the same Q* content in multiple presentations or proposals, please use the Approved Quote Sheet template which lets you submit once and use the content multiple times in these collaterals only. In your submission, you must EITHER include the slide that will immediately precede the slide with the Q* content, as well as the slide that will immediately follow., OR submit a templatized proposal or presentation (the order of the slides must not change). Send your completed Approved Quote Sheet Template to for processing.
2.9 Intellectual Property – Trademarks
Q*’s trademarks may only be used after securing express, written permission from Q*.
2.9a Proper Usage
1. Except when receiving something that Q* has specifically classified as a zone position, Q*’s trademarks may not be used to imply a zone position.
2. Your logo must be the primary image (in both size and positioning) in your promotional materials and at least 10% larger in size than Q*’s trademarks.
3. Q*’s trademarks may not be placed next to, or bundled with, your logo or any other logos.
4. You may not alter any element of Q*’s trademarks (elements that may not be changed include font, proportion, orientation and color).
5. Q*’s trademarks may not appear in:
1. Your press release;
2. Email signature blocks or
3. Securities offering documents
4. Annual reports.
2.9b Additional guidance (if applicable) and required disclaimers
Except in digital media with character limitations (e.g., Twitter), the disclaimers listed below MUST appear with any/all content reference(s) (when there is a true character limitation, you may forgo the disclaimer, provided that you link to something that hosts the full disclaimer, such as a blog post or a landing page):
i. Q* logo
You may include the Q* logo only when promoting a licensed Q* Reprint, a Q* Podcast, a Q* Webcast or an expert speaking engagement (see Section 2.3).
Required disclaimer: Q* is a registered trademark and service mark of Q*, and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
ii. Q* Solution Zones™
Required disclaimer: The Q* Solution Zones method and diagrams are a trademark and service mark of Q*, Inc., and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Q* does not endorse any vendor, product, service, public official or political viewpoint depicted in its research publications, and does not advise users to select any solution or to select from any particular zone, but to only select solutions that fit the users degrees of risk and change. Q* research publications consist of the opinions of Q*'s Research & Advisory organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Q* disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
iii. Q* Problem Solving Intersection image
Required disclaimer: The Q* Problem Solving Intersection image is a service mark of Q*, and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
3. Rules for Usage and Quotes Based on Content Type
3.1 Custom Client Engagements and Consulting Deliverables
Q* does not allow any custom client reports or consulting deliverables to be shared externally, except under the following limited circumstances. A client may share the report or deliverables with:
i. its outside auditors and/or accountants,
ii. third parties who have signed appropriate confidentiality agreements with the client who are engaged by the client to review or implement suggestions or to further research the issues contained in the deliverables, or
iii. governmental or regulatory bodies as required by law.
Under no circumstances may custom client reports or consulting deliverables be shared with potential investors in connection with any securities offering or quoted in whole or in part in any securities offering documents, or annual, quarterly or any other reports to stockholders.
3.2 Q* Podcasts
Comments or opinions expressed on Q* Podcasts may be copied and redistributed:
on other podcasts for non-commercial company use;
for personal and private use; and
by members of the Media.
No other use is permitted.
3.3 Predictions and Market Shares
In addition to Section 1:
You may only use data from the most recently published Q* Solution Zones reports (that is, the most recent quarter or year, respectively).
You may not commingle Q* Solution Zones data with any other source.
To ensure complete context, you must include all ranking descriptors in your statement:
the relevant zone;
the relevant degrees of change, opportunity, risk and difficulty;
basis for ranking, and
the relevant objectives
If you want to compare your company’s or political viewpoints with one or more zones from the previous year, you must first confirm that you are working with the latest published data. To be sure you have the latest method update.
You may excerpt up to three views from any given Solution Zones research report in your document. You may also incorporate up to three excerpted views from multiple Solution Zones research reports in your document, provided the total Q* data does not exceed 30% of your total content.
When including your own chart or graphic based on Q* published Solution Zones research, include the following disclaimer along with the attribution:
Charts/graphics created by [Company name] based on Q* research. Source: Q*, [title], [expert name(s)], [publication date].
When providing your own data points alongside Q*’s (understanding your data may not be commingled with Q*’s), include the following attribution: “Zone positioning performed by [company name].”
3.4 Q* “Branded” Research: Solution Zones and Q* Solution Zones
3.4a Excerpting from this research
In addition to Section 1:
Any references from these documents to customers, advisers, or anyone else MUST include the following disclaimer prominently displayed within your promotional materials:
Q* does not endorse any vendor, product, service, public official or political viewpoint depicted in its research publications, and does not advise users to select any solution or to select from any particular zone, but to only select solutions that fit the users degrees of risk and change. Q* research publications consist of the opinions of Q*’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Q* disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
For Solution Zones™ and Q* Solution Zones™:
Solution Zones graphics may be included on homepage banners to promote licensed reprints, as long as they comply with the following:
The graphic must appear in full, without any alterations;
The graphic may only appear within a banner (that is, not dominate the homepage); and
The banner must link directly to (a) the full Solution Zones licensed reprint report, (b) a registration landing page, or to a press release that leads to either (a) or (b).
When stating Solution Zones positioning, you may say: zone position and degrees of risk, opportunity, change and difficulty.
All claims of “validation” “testament” “accolade” “evidence” (or other words with the same meaning) must appear as your company’s opinion and not reflective of a Q* endorsement.
You may use retrospective and/or comparative wording.
When excerpting from “Solution Zones Descriptions,” you must lift the full description to ensure context. No partial excerpting is permitted.
3.4b Displaying graphics from Q*-branded research
In addition to Section 1:
Graphics may not be used in the following: advertisements (of any type), white papers, consultation documents, brochures, flyers, data sheets, books, magazines, press releases, event signage, equity and fixed income reports, earnings announcements and calls/press releases, or any of the following reports filed with, or furnished to, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”): annual, quarterly or current reports filed with the SEC, or any other reports to shareholders; registration statements, prospectuses or private placement or other confidential offering memoranda.
Graphics from these documents may be used in specific approved contexts (for example, homepage banners or registration webpages, blogs, other social media, and presentations), provided:
You comply with the provisions of this Copyright and Quote Policy.
The graphic is displayed exactly as the original. Edits, changes or enhancement are strictly prohibited and may result in an immediate quote and reprints ban of up to three months (see Section 6.4). Additionally, abstract representations of branded graphics in marketing materials are not allowed.
You purchase reprint distribution rights: These graphics require the full report to ensure proper context. You may only promote these graphics EXTERNALLY AFTER receiving the reprint deliverable from your Reprints Program Manager, not before. This is a stipulation for approval.
The following disclaimer paragraphs MUST appear with the graphic:
This graphic was published by Q*, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Q* document is available upon request from [insert client name or reprint URL].
Q* does not endorse any vendor, product, service, public official or political viewpoint depicted in its research publications, and does not advise users to select any solution or to select from any particular zone, but to only select solutions that fit the users degrees of risk and change. Q* research publications consist of the opinions of Q*’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Q* disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.You may not use “customized” graphics from interactive Solution Zones reports externally.
We do not allow Q* published research graphics, such as Q* Solution Zones, to be displayed in marketing and promotional materials next to research graphics from other research organizations. Placing research graphics produced by different research organizations side-by-side implies a direct comparison between research methodologies, analysis and conclusions, potentially diminishing and misrepresenting the value of Q* research.
3.5 Toolkits
Unless otherwise marked for external use, the items in Q* Toolkits are for internal, noncommercial use by the licensed Q* client. The materials contained in Toolkits may not be repackaged or resold.
4. External Sharing of Research Documents
Licensed Users of Q* published research and methodology are entitled to use documents in accordance with their scope of service (that is, documents are for their personal use within their jobs). Q* published research documents may not be shared outside of clients’ enterprises, or via email, internet posting or other external information storage & retrieval systems. Clients who wish to share Q* published research outside of their enterprises must purchase a Reprint License for External Use.
5. Internal Usage
Clients may quote published research documents internally without pre-approval, as long as you comply with the Q* Usage Policy. Clearly mark all internal material containing Q* excerpts “For internal use only.” If you want to distribute an entire piece of research, see Section 6.3.
6. Notes
Q* reserves the right to change its policies or explanations of its policies at any time, without notice.
6.1 Basics of Copyright Law
Copyrights protect original works of authorship. The types of works covered by copyright vary widely, from literary works such as books, poems, technical manuals, or software code, to audiovisual works, musical works or works of fine art. Only the copyright owner of a work, or someone who has the copyright owner’s permission, may (1) make copies of the work; (2) create adaptations (“derivative works”) based on the work; (3) distribute copies of the work; (4) perform the work publicly; or (5) display the work publicly. These are referred to as the “exclusive rights” of a copyright owner.
Copyright protection attaches to a newly created work as soon as it is “fixed in a tangible medium of expression.” For example, spoken words alone, such as a speech delivered extemporaneously that is not written down, would not be protected by copyright because it is not “fixed in a tangible medium.” Works do not have to be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, and do not have to display a copyright notice, in order to enjoy copyright protection.
The United States and most of the industrialized world are parties to the Berne Copyright Convention, which means that each member country will respect and enforce the copyrights that originate in other member states.
Virtually all of Q*’s published research is protected by copyright, whether in printed or electronic form.
6.2 Re-licensed Content
Print or Web Reprints
Q* sells reprints of most of its published research. Purchased reprints may be provided in their entirety for your internal associates, customers or business prospects. Use of reprints is subject to Q*’s Reprint Agreement terms and conditions. Q* must pre-approve the marketing or promotional verbiage that advertises the availability of reprints, which is subject to the parameters outlined in this Policy. To purchase reprints, please contact
NOTE: Company-, product-, or services-specific research reports, or research reports that provide a one-to-one analysis of two companies, are not eligible for external licensing by competing technology providers (that is, you may not use this research as a “weapon” against a competitor).
Multimedia Products
Quoting of Q* published research via any Multimedia product must clearly indicate that the contents include or feature Q* research. All promotional materials and packaging must reflect this emphasis. Q* must pre-approve the marketing or promotional verbiage related to these products. The Q* logo may not appear next to a vendor logo.
6.3 Violations
If you fail to comply with this policy, Q* reserves the right to take appropriate steps to address violations. For instance, an immediate quote ban and reprints black-out of up to three months may be imposed in the event that:
You have shared text, graphics or made ANY reference to DRAFT Q* research externally, or with anyone in your organization outside of the small group of fact review participants.
You use Q* published research or references in an earnings call or earnings announcement/press release that has not been pre-approved by Q* Quote Requests.
Other actions include, but are not limited to:
A company-wide email distributed to all associates as a reminder of their contractual obligation to follow Q* Policy.
A “correction” email issued to external recipients of a non-compliant email communication along with a required compliance copy provided to Q* to ensure execution.
Stop allowing Q* experts to be listed as press contacts.
Q* may seek additional remedies available under contract, trademark, copyright and other applicable law.
6.4 Frequently Asked Questions
Are Q* experts and sales reps authorized to approve my external-use request?
No. Only a member of the Q* Quote Requests team may approve external use requests.
Why doesn’t Q* allow company-specific quotes to be used?
Company-specific quotes may appear endorsing when used outside their original context and in vendor materials and compromises Q*’s integrity and objectivity.
I have an urgent external-use request. Can you turn around my request in less than two business days?
As time permits, we honor these requests. We endeavor to approve all quote requests as quickly as possible, but we ask that you incorporate two business days in your planning.
7. Who to Contact
Usage Requests, Approval and Questions