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McKinsey & Company
Are you a growth leader? The seven beliefs and behaviors that growth leaders share
September 2019 | Article
By Biljana Cvetanovski, Eric Hazan, Jesko Perrey, and Dennis Spillecke
Why It’s Interesting
Resource allocation requires many considerations.
McKinsey research identified seven attributes common among successful growth leaders.
I am all in.
I am willing to fail.
I know my customer as a person, nots as a data point.
I favor action over perfection.
I fight for growth.
I have a growth story I tell all the time.
I give control to others.
“Growth is a journey that requires the entire business to constantly adjust, optimize, and execute, but it starts at the top. Only when the CEO, C-suite, and business-unit leaders have the right mind-set can leaders hope to drive growth across the business.”